环境:IBM AIX 5L + Oracle10.2.0.3 RAC + ASM
allocate channel t6 type disk connect ‘sys/password@zc1’;
sql ‘alter system archive log thread 2 current’;
sql ‘alter system archive log thread 1 current’;
filesperset 10
format ‘/orabk/arch_%t_%s_%c_%p.arc’
(archivelog UNTIL TIME ‘SYSDATE’ LIKE ‘%/arch/arch2/%’ delete all input channel t5)
(archivelog UNTIL TIME ‘SYSDATE’ LIKE ‘%/arch/arch1/%’ delete all input channel t6);
release channel t5;
release channel t6;
RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on t6 channel at 04/15/2007 14:57:19
ORA-19504: failed to create file “/orabk/arch_619973830_547_1_1.arc”
ORA-27054: NFS file system where the file is created or resides is not mounted with correct options
Additional information: 5
$oerr ora 27054
27054, 00000, “NFS file system where the file is created or resides is not mounted with correct options”
// *Cause: The file was on an NFS partition and either reading the mount tab
// file failed or the partition wass not mounted with the correct
// mount option.
// *Action: Make sure mount tab file has read access for Oracle user and
// the NFS partition where the file resides is mounted correctly.
// For the list of mount options to use refer to your platform
// specific documentation.
最后Metalink发现原来居然是Oracle之后的一个bug(Bug 5146667),目前只在AIX和Solaris平台上有此症状。解决方法是在实例级别设置10298事件。
是要设置 Hard方式 mount 吧
不过 Hard 方式 mount ,可用性就差了很多