



我的邮件地址:kamusis [at] gmail [dot] com

1. 日语软件工程师/日语高级软件工程师 (Japanese-speaking Software Engineer/Japanese-speaking Senior Software Engineer)

· 本科或以上学历,1年(Software Engineer)/2年(Senior Software Engineer)以上正规软件项目开发、测试经验;
· 至少具有任何一种开发语言/开发环境,ERP/CRM系统,中间件技术,数据库技术(Oracle, SQL Server);
· 了解软件开发生命周期;
· 有大、中型系统开发和系统集成经验,熟悉应用服务器/TP monitor 原理-Weblogic、 WebSphere、 MTS、 CICS;
· 较强的逻辑思维及沟通能力;
· 有强烈的学习愿望并忠于自己的事业。
· 流利的日语听说读写能力

2. 日语项目组长 (Japanese-speaking Team Leader)

·熟悉使用RDBMS-Oracle、SQL Server、 DB2/UDB等;

3. 日语高级项目组长 (Japanese-speaking Senior Team Leader)


4. 日语项目经理 (Japanese-speaking Project Manager)


5. 日语高级项目经理 (Japanese-speaking Senior Project Manager)


Below is for an outsourcing deal in Shanghai:

6. Team Lead

Location: Shanghai

Qualification Requirements

·Bachelor degree or above
·Good command of spoken and written English
·Minimum of 6 years relevant IT work experience, and 2-3 years project management experience
·Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
·Excellent team management skills
·Familiar with software quality management and software development life cycle
·Experienced in leading projects in one of the following platforms
-Microsoft Windows (.NET, C/C++, VB, ASP, etc.)

7. Senior Developer

Location: Shanghai

Qualification Requirements

·Bachelor degree
· Good command of spoken and written English
·Minimum of 3 year relevant IT work experience
·Strong technical skills, and experienced in software application design, programming, and testing
·Strong team player
·Excellent initiative, problem solving and communication skills

Technical background in ANY of the following

·Windows application development using one or more of the following technical skill: .Net, C++, VB, MS Access, SQL Server

8. Database Administrator

Location: Shanghai

Qualification Requirements

·Bachelor degree or above
· Good command of spoken and written English
·Minimum of 6 year IT working experience
· Strong team player
·Excellent problem solving and communication skills

Technical Skill

·Oracle or SQL Server DBA on Windows or Unix platform
·DBA certification is a plus

Update : 2006-3-9
Oracle DBA职位已经招满,2个都是我这里贡献的哦,呵呵,现在还缺一个SQL-Server expert.

9. SAP Basis Technical Analyst

Location: Shanghai

Qualification Requirements

·Bachelor degree
·Good command of spoken and written English
·Minimum of 3 year relevant IT work experience
· Strong team player
·Excellent initiative, problem solving and communication skills

Technical background in the following

· SAP Basis

24 Comments Add yours

  1. starlvzhen says:


  2. yanggq says:

    Sounds Excellent, but I am not sure about English and SQL Server
    Are you still in Shanghai?

  3. kamus says:

    I’m in Beijing now.

  4. yingqing says:

    why are you want to study ERP,Your DBA experiences is so excel

  5. kamus says:

    难道你不觉得Oracle DB+Oracle ERP比单纯的Oracle Database有前途吗?何况我又有DB的基础,没有理由不学习ERP啊,呵呵。

  6. mhy119 says:

    Accenture is very excellent in ERP implement,SAP erp is more famous and stable than oracle erp.So I think you can try to be a SAP BASIS engineer in Accenture.
    Why not?

  7. kamus says:

    Because I have a great chance to join the team of implementing Oracle ERP for CNC in PCCW, training on job is much better than selfstuding, right?

  8. 蛋白粉 says:


  9. mhy119 says:

    I have act as an oracle apps dba for three years,too many bugs and patches disgust me :frowning:, So I think if you have chance to implement SAP erp ,it will be better for you. and more ,Accencuture is more standardalbe than PCCW. it is only myopinoin, don’t mind.
    Now the chance is same well for you ,you can learn a lot in implementing as you say. your knowledge of db will upgrade you quickly . hope you good luck.

  10. kamus says:

    A bug filled system always improve our troubleshooting skill quickly 🙂
    Thank you.

  11. Tomcatjava says:

    any special skills need in Accenture ?

    what are their demands on DBA ?

  12. kamus says:

    No special demand except your English skill. Check no. 8 job description.

  13. Tomcatjava says:

    . Oracle or SQL Server DBA on Windows or Unix platform
    ·DBA certification is a plus

    i mean what kind of work an accenture dba do everyday?
    their routine job , i mean ,
    backup ,admin, tuning, RAC,

    or someother things db replication, i know little about replication yet, need read your docs first ??

  14. kamus says:

    Coz it’s hiring for Dow project, everything you need to do is based on Dow’s international IT platform, hundreds of projects, and every project may need diferrent DBA work.

    But, still a normal DBA job, including backup, troubleshooting, tuning, etc.

  15. Tomcatjava says:

    i see it , u mean admin DBs located abroad ?

    hehe , what interest me are how to do a backup job at USA, need a quite good network speed ,they have big tools for it ?

  16. kamus says:

    Most backup destination will be in the same LAN with source database, so I don’t think it needs too much network bandwidth for backup job. 🙂

  17. yanggq says:

    Study English and Oracle.

  18. Seraphin says:

    accenture looking for so many JP speaking developer.

  19. warehouse says:


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