之后是在上海的Oracle Openworld上,我在10g的展厅询问一个Oracle的技术人员,到底什么是Grid,他告诉我其实Grid就是Oracle9i里面的RAC(Real Application Cluster),于是我深信不疑,其实Oracle10g的Grid又只是一个造势的名词而已,究其实质也就是RAC。
好,现在让我们来清楚一点儿的了解到底什么是Grid吧,一篇优秀的文章来自 Howard J. Rogers的What is the Grid?。
文章用QA的方式展开,在我读整篇文章的过程中感觉是如此循序渐进,每次读完上面一个问题,心中冒出的疑问恰恰就是HJR即将要解释的下一个问题,so cool,不得不佩服HJR的行文。
Truthfully, there is no such thing as the grid component in Oracle 10g. No such thing, no such tangible product from Oracle has been made which you can point to and say ‘that is the grid product’.
To speak in familiar Oracle terms: there isn’t an option in 10g which you can license called ‘grid’. There are all sorts of other options that you might choose to licence, and if you licensed or utilised them all, you’d have something approaching the theoretical ideal of transparent, grid computing.
There is no one point where you can say ‘this is a grid’ and ‘this isn’t’. “Gridness” is a quality one strives for, but probably never quite attains!
They don’t understand that it is a mindset or an attitude, not a product.
在技术层面上Oracle10g的grid不是一个组件,而是多个组件的混合体,包括RAC,ASM,ASMM,Data Pump,Grid control等等。
在实施层面上来说,grid是一种态度一种理念,如果说一个环境能够对于用户透明,能够在环境中的每个节点无处不在,能够自适应,自管理,那么这个环境就越可以称为是一个grid computing的环境。而我们可以通过技术层面上Oracle提供的那些组件来更好地实现这个理念。
You have rights, also yes I think.